Friday, February 8, 2013

How Yoga is Changing Me

This morning in yoga I went to a "warm flow Friday" class. The teacher does her practice differently than what I am used to, so there was a lot more focus that went into it than I normally have to put in. It was interesting how my mind stopped wondering.  That is normally my goal during my practice, and for once, almost the entire class I was just one with my body and inside of my own being. It was cool how without thinking about keeping my thoughts from wondering, they actually weren't wondering. haha I like thinking about my own thoughts.

My favorite part of yoga is the different teachers. One of my favorites says the best stuff before she begins class. "You have already done the hardest part, you showed up." Its so true.  The absolute hardest part is showing up.  I usually get really down and hard on myself during class because I can't do most of the poses nearly as well as everyone else in the room. Then I look around again and remind myself that I am there.  All of the other inflexible people didn't even make it through the door. And the best part is, Every class I get better.  Every class I am able to do something a little bit better. My hip has started opening up, and I am able to balance on one leg even better now.

I like that hour and a half of self reflection everyday. Its my Anna time, where I am not thinking about work, friends, boys... I'm not remembering how sad I was this past fall, or how I am struggling for money. I am just in the moment, staying in the present. I highly recommend it to other people as one of the best long term decisions I have made to keep up with.  I am healthier both mentally and physically, and my coping mechanisms for the world around me are also better.

I will allow you to picture my yoga practice looking somewhat like this
In general I am just so much happier in life.  I really love my new job, and the people I am working with are awesome too. Even though the water is going to be freezing when they flip me over, I'm even excited to roll my kayak. My right leg keeps falling asleep whenever I'm out in the kayak for more than 5 minutes, but even that isn't getting me down. I'm grateful for how my life is working out.  I have a lot of good things coming for me, and I'm glad I'm able to embrace them.

Keep on keepin' on.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Anna. I love thinking about my thoughts, too! They're so crazy! They say some funny shit. I hope the stretching helps with your leg falling asleep, but I'm super happy you're at a fun job. Life is too short. "YOLO." - Lil' Wayne


Boom Sauce!!