Hanu Hohonu - Breathe Deep
Take deep breaths. Several times a day. Calm your mind and center your body. Release all of the bad energies that you do not need to be carrying with you. Shake them off and blow them out into the clouds with the exhale of your deep breaths.
Breathe deep is my 2013 resolution. By the end of 2012 I was so consumed in the downward spiral of my emotions that I forgot to stop and look around, breathe it all in. I was falling into a despair and was relying on other people to pull me out of it; instead of focusing on myself and how I am the only person who can turn this situation around. With a crazy, and sad turn of events, I was kicked in the butt to fly home and spend some time with my family on the last day of the year, while also deciding to make the necessary move into a new job. I will finish out my semester, and put my heart and soul into what I do best, and then I will release all of those negative energies and move on to something new. Something new and better for me mentally and emotionally. 2013 is going to be a good year, I can feel it. I am going to set up a home base for the first time in years. This is a good feeling, and I hope I can spread these feelings of hope and joy to those around me.
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